Alex Kaufman

Alex Kaufman.

Occupation: I’m an Equity Partner at Fox Rothschild LLP.  I practiced business law for 10 years at Kaufman & Forman P.C. in Sandy Springs. Kaufman & Forman P.C. was founded by my father in 1982 and the firm merged with Fox Rothschild LLP in December of last year.

Previous elected offices held: None.

Other community service experience: I’m Treasurer of the Roswell Rotary Club, General Counsel for Rotary District 6900 and a trustee for the Georgia Rotary Student Program; I serve on the 2020 Fulton County Complete Count Census Committee, The Roswell Economic Development Committee (Roswell.Inc); and I serve on the board of The Star House Foundation. I am also the General Counsel for the Fulton County Republican Party and the Georgia GOP 6th Congressional District.

What is motivating you to run for this office?

I am running for this seat because I love this community and I believe that the residents of House District 51 deserve better. The incumbent has proven to be wholly ineffective and has failed to represent the values of the people of this district. The residents of this district are focused on public safety, safely reopening the economy and schools, and responsible and effective healthcare. These are my priorities and if elected I will deliver. I am prepared to be held accountable for these promises.

What is the biggest issue facing the district and how will you address it? 

There is no one issue. Ensuring public safety, responsible economic reopening, and improving healthcare opportunities for all Georgians are three major issues I intend to work on with the leadership of my majority party should I be elected — and I’ll strive to get committee assignments to assist in this work on behalf of my district and I will be in tune with the district to make sure that I am voting in the best interest of the residents that I represent and in tune with our collective values.

The incumbent defeated you in a previous race for this office. Why should voters reconsider their choice?

It was a close race last time and presidential and two U.S. Senate seat campaign turnout numbers this year will favor my election. Additionally, the voters will be made aware of the incumbent’s failure to pass even a single bill into law, stand for law and order, protect first responders, or keep any of his campaign promises, in comparison to my record and message — one in tune with this community. I intend to be an effective legislator who will represent the values of the residents of House District 51.

What would be your policy priority in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic?

Safely reopening schools in a manner that keeps our students and teachers safe as well as makes sure that our students’ academic progress is not hindered by COVID, as well making sure our small and mid-size business get back to business as quickly as possible. The state and every resident is facing this virus together and it is important that we maintain a balance of compassion and business as we make difficult decisions next legislative session.

What state law changes, if any, should follow as a result of this year’s protests about racism and police brutality?

This past special session, the Republican-controlled legislature authored and passed both hate crimes legislation and a first responders protection bill. I have the unique experience of representing the family of an unarmed son who was killed in a police shooting as well as prosecuting felons. I will take this experience to heart to bring about additional balanced legislation, including a review of the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST Certified) policies and procedures, which governs all law enforcement officers in Georgia, as well as a requirement for students to be taught the U.S. and Georgia Constitutional rights.

What is an under-the-radar issue that needs more attention in the next legislative session?

The COVID crisis has especially impacted families, students and teachers and caused reflection as to how children are educated. I believe that parental school choice will be an emerging issue in the 2021 General Assembly — an issue I am interested in, as I believe that quality education is the greatest social equalizer and best investment that a community can make in its future.

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.