Solidarity Sandy Springs, which operates a food pantry to help families in need, has moved into a new location.

On July 10, the nonprofit group celebrated opening at the Parkside Shops shopping center in Sandy Springs. The food pantry is located at 5920 Roswell Road, Suite C-212.

Atlanta developer Jamestown owns the center and donated the roughly 9,000-square-foot space to the organization. The food pantry will be housed there until the end of 2021.

Then, the group hopes to open a permanent food pantry at a new branch of the Community Assistance Center on Northwood Drive, said Jennifer Barnes, one of the co-founders of Solidarity Sandy Springs, along with Erin Olivier and Sonia Simon.

Solidarity Sandy Springs started in March 2020 to help feed families during the pandemic. Barnes said about 20 Sandy Springs neighbors came together for the cause.

“We started off thinking we’d feed 10 families for two weeks,” Barnes said. Then, “it kind of took on a life of its own.” Since March 2020, more than 27,000 shoppers have come to the food pantry, she said.

“This was probably a need all along, but we didn’t know until a crisis hit,” Barnes said, adding around 1,500 volunteers have helped since the organization’s inception.

Next, the group hopes to grow its impact in the community through additional volunteer opportunities. Barnes said they are “searching for ways to enhance the lives of everyone in the neighborhood.”

To donate or volunteer with Solidarity Sandy Springs, visit the website.

Amy Wenk was editor of Reporter Newspapers in 2021-22.